Sunday, December 31, 2006

Three posts in a day? That's wierd. I should've put them in.

Oooh? Three posts in a day? I should've put them in one... Anyway, I forgot to write about Traverse Town 2 and I don't like my posts to be so long. That's why I don't like "We went to the beach in 1969". It's so long, it makes me geram. Now, on to Traverse Town 2! Evolved Villian in Llama (i'll call her EVIL Raw) and Sora saw this statue. Under it, it had a sign that said "STATUE" Sora and EVIL Raw hated the statue, because they said it was Pure Evil! They said that the statue says bad words and pokes them with it's abnormally sharp stick. They even say that it teases everyone and mocks them right in front of their faces. The statue only talked when no one else was there. Sora said that it wants to pretend to everyone else that it's a NORMAL statue. Sora and EVIL Raw thought that STATUE was short for something. This is what they thought...

S.T.A.T.U.E = S- Sora, E- EVIL Raw, T-Tidus or anyone else that starts with letter T, U- Ukelele AND You and Me ("U n Me"), A- Angel or anything else that starts with the letter A, T- Termaculus.

They thought it started from S, then E, then, well.. y'know, starts from the sides first (back and front). Then EVIL Raw said STATUE also means Eat U! (try scrambling the words around. You'll get "EAT U") So they (Sora and EVIL Raw) think that the statue wanna eat all the selected people. (eg. S- Sora, T-Tidus, U-Ukelele). So they gathered everyone and put them in cages. Then the statues light (it had a light bulb on it's head) on-d (past tense, dude). Then, the statue got off it spot on went to them. EVIL Raw and Sora were begging for forgivness. Then, the statue gave them their lost items and hit them and went back on it place. In the end, they found out that it wasnt mean and pure evil because Storm and Gambit made it and put it at the pond to find dropped (lost) items and return it back. It likes to make jokes and tease people just like Storm and Gambit and it doesn't say bad words, it just says Dumb and Stupid. EVIL Raw and Sora thought it was bad words because they forgot that Traverse Town 2 isn't radio. HAHAHAHA! After that EVIL Raw and Sora made a Island Resort at and island. They named the island Green Sea Island and the resort Green Sea Island Resort. And because today is Raya Haji, their wearing songkok. They wear all the cloths they have to at resorts/hotel because their the only employees. Kadaj and Nanaho not the jellies were wearing songkok too. Kadaj was wearing sampin. Riku not the batan was wearing Baju Melayu. Blue baju and Yellow sampin. Well, that's all. G'bye!

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