Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas

*sigh* today is a Wednesday and school is starting in exactly one week. Yep. It's on next week's Wednesday. 3rd January 2006.. Oh well. Haida got a letter from Sufiza. Heeeee (crying like SuperMan) I want a letter too!!! BATAN BATAN BATAN. Y'know, what. MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Traverse Town 2 (yeah. I know I said that I wont write about Traverse Town 2 anymore, but, it just has sooo much to write about), they had a great feast at the Town Square. BOB? made Roast and Veggies and Fruit Sauce (no one ate the veggies because no one in Traverse Town 2 actually LIKES veggies). Evolved Villian in Llama made Lasagna. It was GREAT (i know it tastes good because evryone in Traverse Town 2 says so). It finished quickly, just like Nanaho's (jelly Nanaho ofcourse) scrambled eggs (everyone in Traverse Town 2 LOVES Nanaho Jelly's scrambled eggs). Sora made a jelly shaped of a BIG SHOE. Eeew. With a jelly shaped BIG FOOT inside it too. Yazoo made casarole. Actually, he didn't make it. He just bought it. HAHAHA! Sameth made Trout. Sameth DID make it because he LIKES to cook. HAHAHAHAHA! Riku (EVIL! but not so EVIL anymore because he has more of a life when Sameth the jelly had to be the Angel of Present and had to make Riku not EVIL anymore) made Ravioli, Ravioli something about Gravioli!!! Well, that's it. G'bye!!!!!!!!!

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