Friday, October 13, 2006

Traverse Town 2

I have to explain to you what traverse Town 2 really is. Characters from every movie, every book, and every cartoon come together. Just like Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts. But this is all MAKEBELIEVE (unlike Kingdom Hearts which is a game)!
It's kinda like my bears and animal world. All the characters in Traverse Town 2 don't act how they really act in the movies (or whatever it is they came from). For example, Jean Grey, from Xmen, is suppose to be perfect (smart, pretty, athletic, strong, etc) in the Xmen movie and comics. But in Traverse Town 2, Jean is in a society called the APPS (anti perfect people society). Where Jean and Kim (Kim Possible) attck and torture perfect people. They lock them (perfect people) in cells and torture them every day!

Remamber The Phoenix?

Jean multiplied (remember, MAKEBELIVE) and her multiplication of her is named The Phoenix. But The Phoenix doesn't act like The Phoenix from the movie or the comics.

For real, Treverse Town 2 all started out by Kimahri (Final Fantasy X). I started making parodies of Final Fantasy and called it the Kimahri Story. Later on, we (me and my sister, Hannnah) started adding in characters from other movies, games and books. We made most (almost, almost all) the characters foolish, funny and just plain CRAZY in this Traverse Town 2.

My sister's creations are also in this. Such as her story (which i'm sure is going to be a great hit in the future) the Magic Clan. It's about 7 kids (teenagers and one 10 year old) have these super awsome powers. The dark side of one of the characters in Magic Clan (Raw) escaped and now roams free known as EVIL Raw. But because everyone in Traverse Town 2 are so foolish, their not scared of her and says she's not evil. EVIL Raw for real is a demon of sorrow and is really EVIL! But all of them in Traverse Town 2 don't think she is, and they think the word "EVIL" in front of her name is just a shortform for something. Kadaj (Final Fantasy VII: advent children), who is one of the STUPIDEST said that the word "EVIL" in front of her name means "Evolved Villian in Llama" Evolved Villian in Llama always tries to be EVIL. She's always very malas.

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