Friday, February 18, 2005


Hello! I just watched The Day After Tomorrow. It scary!!! A domut, a domut, a domut domut domut, a domut, a domut, a domut domut domut, a JUMP a SEPELIT!! The scariest part was the tidal wave!! I don't think it was so fun.... Actually I do think its fun!! A funny, a funny!! Yes, yes!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeello!! A Decade, Decade, Decade, on a run, run, run, a Decade, Decade, Decade, on a run, run, run!! "Look what Sizzle got! A time-a-PILL!!! *chew*...Heello!! Look what Sizzle got! A time-a-PILL!! *chew*... Heello!! Look what Sizzle got! A time-a-PILL!! *chew*...... (continues 4eva'!)

Chocobo is a bird in FINAL FANTASY!! Do you know it? Maybe you do!! Maybe you you? Maybe, maybe not, maybe, MAYBE NOT!!! Yeyeyeyeye!(ceraaaazzy) A DOMUT!!